IF you read / see / hear / try to decrypt all that pass for news in the English-speaking cultural universe, and by that I mean all the anglophone media in the World Wide Web, the magazine business, the TV business, the radio business, the podcast business, the book business, and everything that is produced in that language, the language I'm using now, and that officially aimed to inform people in general, about what is going on all over this strange planet, you can't but hate Vladimir Poutine, a.k.a. The Butcher, The Baby-Eater, The-Other-Vlad-The-Impaler, The Un-Nice-Russian-War-Mongering-Monster-That-Is-About-To-Ate-Sheboygan, etc.

Atrocities is the key word. Russkies are commiting atrocities all over Ukraine, left and right, deliberately and willingly, shooting down everything that moved, in order to keep their weapons warm in this cold season and to stay focused, eating babies for breakfast, using civilians as target-practice, since they are apparently unable to harm the Good Guys, and by that I mean the Ukrainians freedom-fighters that are supported by the peace-loving NATO, with loads and loads of advanced weaponry, and all that with the goal of saving peace, democracy and apple pie, in a faraway slavic land near the West and NATO arch-ennemy and nemesis, the evil duo composed of Great-Russia and Byelorussia.

I you believe everything that spewed out of Fox News and QAnon and the like, Poutine should be shot on sight, no question asked, and that is supposed to be a self-evident truth.

Or is it?

Atrocities are nothing new and are not the exclusive possession of Slavic people in general, contrary to popular (and often Anglo) belief. Judge by yourself.

Quote 1

''A Polish general who has now miserably left his army in the lurch, declared that he would hack (____) and the (___) army to pieces. Simultaneously a veritab le martyrdom began for our (blank) brothers in Poland. Tens of thousands of them were brutally driven away, maltreated or put to death in the cruellest manner, sadistic maniacs gave way to their perverse instincts, and the pious democratic world looked on calmly whitout raising a finger. I have often asked myself the question: Who can have blinded Poland?'' (Page 9)

Quote 2 

''By September the situation had become untenable, You are familiar with the developments of those days in August. I still believe that without the British guarantee and the agitation of the war-mongers it would have been possible during last August to arrive at an understanding. (...) In the life of peoples, too, patience should not always be mistaken for weakness. With unbounded patience I have for years and years watched these continuous provocations. Only few people can really judge these continuous provocations. Only few people can really judge of what I suffered during this long time, when hardly a month passed, nay, hardly a week, during which not one nor the other deputation came to me from these territories, and imploring me again and again to intervene.'' (Page 11)

Quote 3 

''While I am adressing you here, our troops occupy a line extending from Lemberg to Brest and further to the north, and at this very moment, in fact since yesterday afternoon, endless columns of the beaten Polish army are leaving the Kutno region as prisoners. Yesterday morning they numbered 20,000, last night 50,000, this morning 70,000, and I don't know what their number is now. (...) Marshal Rydz-Smigly lost his bearings. He was last heard of in Czernowitz instead of in Berlin and with him were his whole Government and all the deceivers who drove the Polish people into that act of insanity.'' (Page 13)

Quote 4 

''At this point let us do full justice to the Polish soldiers. The Poles have fought bravely in many places. Their non-commissioned officers did their utmost; their officers lacked intelligence; their supreme command was an absolute failure. Their organisation was just Polish. At this moment, approximately 300,000 Polish soldiers have been taken prisoner; almost 2,000 officers and many generals share the same fate. But I must also mention that side by side with the acknowledged bravery of many Polish units stand the most loathsome deeds which perhaps have occured anywhere during the last centuries. Things have happened which I as a soldier in the World War, who only fought on the Western front, never had an opportunity of experiencing. I am thinking of the thousands of slaughtered (____), of the bestially butchered women, girls and children, of the countless (___) soldiers and officers who, when wounded, fell into the hands of the ennemy. They were massacred, their eyes were torn out, they wew brutally mutilated. And worst of all: the Polish Governor openly admitted by its own broadcasts that airmen who parachuted to the ground were murdered.'' (Page 14)

Quote 5 

''I have no warlike intentions against either England or France. Nor has the (____) nation any such intentions.'' (Page 17)

Quote 6 

''We are simply fighting for our existence. We do not believe the lies of those foolish propagandists who would make us believe that the war is aimed at a régime. Just imagine someone saying: A country is ruled by someone who does not suit us; well then, let us go to war and fight for three years!'' (Page 19)

Quote 7 

''This is my first visit to the city of Danzig. It has shared the fate of the (___) nation for many centuries. Danzig and its sons fought with us in the Great War, and since then the city has endured a particularly hard lot. Now, after 20 years, she reenters the great comity of the (____) nation. Much has changed in the Reich since then. What was formerly a State of classes and castes has now become the (___) people' State. (Page 22)

Quote 8 

''We receive you in this community, fully resolved never to let you go again, and this resolve is of vital importance for the whole Movement and for the whole (____) people. Danzig was, is and will remain (____) as long as there is a (____) nation and a (____) Reich. Generations will come and generations will go. They will all look back on the twenty years of the separation of this city from the Reich as an unhappy period in your history. But they will not only recall the shame of the year 1918, they will also recollect with pride the time of the rise and resurrection of the (___) Reich which has now collected all the (_____) tribes and unites them into one whole. We are determined to stand up for this Reich until death. Long live this Deutschland with its national comity of all  Deutsch tribes, the great Deutsch Reich!'' (Page 23, the very last paper page of my document)


The document in question is a very short and thin booklet, with the title UNITING DANZIG WITH GERMANY on the soft cardboard that served as support for the first and last pages. Underneath the title, there's a fuzzy picture of the speaker (guess who?) shaking hands with someone, then the words

'Speech by the Fuhrer

on the Langer Market

in Danzig

September 19, 1939


Adolf Hitler

Inside the booklet, on the first right-hand (paper) page, in-between the reprinted 'Speech...'' part and the ''By... '' part, one can see the words ''Reprinted by CPA BOOK PUBLISHER P.O. BOX 596, Boring, Oregon 97009-0596''. I have been in possession of that booklet for many years, and I don't remember exactly where I got it. It may well have been a garage sale, or some old bookstore, someplace or other, possibly the very same place where I found and bought a copy of Mein Kampf, I mean one of the first complete French edition, illegaly published in 1934.

I chose those excerpts to show that atrocities are sometimes in the eye of the beholder, just like beauty. The only changes I made in the quotes was to replace the words German and Germany with (____) in all the quotes, for suspense purpose, except the very last three, since I figured that the reader would have guessed which words were blanked in that way by that time.

Ideas for thoughts and reflexions?




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