(Published on X / Twitter in the last weeks.)

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(August 9, 2024)

The Americanisation of culture and public policy is a growing phenomenon in Australia, as this very interesting text in Pearls & Irritations shows, but also in Canada. It is especially true for the English-speaking part of the population of Canda, which is to be expected given the many similarities between Anglo-Canadians and Anglo-Americans, but it can also be seen among francophones, though to a lesser degree. It has an influence on the matter of foreign policy in both countries. Ottawa is used to follow Washington everywhere as much as Canberra is, no matter who is in power at this or that moment. That being said, the economic and political growth of the emerging powers, especially China and the ofther BRICS countries in general, should eventually have an impact on that phenomenon if America continues its relative decline.

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(August 18, 2024)

This article below show that the gradual americanisation of Australian culture is a reality, but the problem does not stop there: the same thing is happening in Canada, in New Zealand, and in the United Kingdom, and also in other parts of the Western world in general. In fact, it is a phenomenon that, to a lesser degree, can be observed in much of the planet these days.

This process of americanisation is helped by the wide spread of cultural objects that benefit from the importance of English, used as a sort of lingua franca in much of the world. Those cultural objects are available everywhere and are simply too numerous to count in all their shapes and forms: books, magazines, movies, videos, TV shows, radio shows, Internet shows, etc.

The astonishing growth of social media all over the world has made things worse, especially because all those tools can be used on a single platform: the smartphone. In the last few years, the smartphone has grown to be the ultimate weapon of mass dissemination, giving access to all those cultural objects through a hand-held gadget that is small, affordable, easy-to-use, ubiquitous, and all-powerful.
In fact, both the United States and the Western world are in the process of being slowly pushed away by the Eurasian world. That process will likely take decades before it becomes a reality, but it is already in motion.

One remarkable thing is that this cultural americanisation appears at the very time when the United States is starting to decline in the economic field, comparatively to newly emerging powers in Eurasia, like India, Russia, and, especially, China.
It may seem surprising that America would be so influential and prestigious at this stage. But then, it is still for some time to come the most powerful country in the world, standing at the apex of its trajectory, shining with all its might, like a super nova.

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PLUS:  @charles.millar3 (X-Twitter)


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