(Messages posted on X these last weeks / Messages publiés sur X au cours des dernières semaines) * * * January 2, 2024 This is a fascinating article about one of the many avenues of commerce between Europe and Asia, especially the Far East. Geographical constraints mean that overland trade between these two important economic poles may use: A) the northern corridor, north of the Caspian Sea, through Russian and Byelorussian territory, B) the middle corridor, through the Caspian Sea, avoiding thus completely the need to cross Russian and Byelorussian territory, or C) the southern corridor, south of the Caspian Sea, through Iranian territory. The last one (C) is less direct, thus less economic and less useful, in the case of trade between China and Europe, implying a long detour for goods to transit though the countries of Central Asia. In the case of trade between the countries of the Indian subcontinent (and those of continental Southeast Asia, farther away) and the countries of ...