(Voici quelques explications sur la génèse du premier article de cette série. Tel qu'indiqué dans les textes ci-dessous, j'ai d'abord remarqué quelque chose d'insolite dans le livre d'Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, et j'en ai parlé à mes parents, avant la mort de mon père, il y a trois ans et demi. Ils ont trouvé la suggestion intéressante et potentiellement éclairante quant à l'origine de l'antisémitisme du dictateur nazi. L'affaire en est resté là pendant quelques années, puis je me suis dit qu'il pourrait être utile d'en faire état publiquement, puisque le sujet a une certaine importance, les historiens ayant toujours été incapables d'expliquer rationnellement la raison de la virulence de la haine antisémitisme d'Hitler, tout comme les contemporains de ce dernier. Je ne savais pas trop comment procéder et ma première idée a été de contacter l'ambassade isréalienne au Canada, sujet des courriels envoyés ci-dessous. Devant le manque manifeste généré par mes requêtes, je me suis dit qu'il serait sans doute préférable de passer par une publication dans une société historique et j'ai alors contacté la Société historique du Canada. On m'a accueilli favorablement et conseillé d'écrire un article pour le bulletin de la Société, la Revue, ce que je suis en train de préparer. L'article en question devrait être publié dans les prochains mois. En attendant, j'ai écrit l'article paru dans le présent blog. Pour illustrer la démarche suivie jusqu'à maintenant, j'ajoute les courriels écrits avant d'avoir contacté la Société historique du Canada. Cela montre bien les difficultés rencontrés à discuter avec quelqu'un, par des moyens électroniques, sans rencontre directe, ainsi que l'état de suspicion qui règne dans le réseau diplomatique israélien (oour des raisons compréhensibles). Je me souviens que, lors de mon adolescence, dans les années 70, j'avais fait le tour de quelques ambassades pour obtenir des documents généraux sur des sujets faisant l'objet de travaux collégiaux à exécuter. L'ambassade d'Israël, alors située sur le rue Sussex à Ottawa, avait carrément refusé de me laisser entrer dans le bâtiment et c'est dans un cubicule grand comme une cabine téléphonique que j'ai fait état de la raison de ma visite. On m'avait ensuite envoyé les documents demandés par la voie postale.)

(Premier courriel, envoyé le 13 novembre 2020, à l'adresse générale (info) de l'ambassade israélienne au Canada, sur la rue O'Connor à Ottawa. Il n'y a eu aucune réponse.)


I used to study history at the University of Ottawa and I am a history buff in general.. I,ve read Mein Kampf a few times to try to understand the mind of Adolf Hitler, the genesis of his hatred about Jews (something historians have always pondered about, mainly in vain) and the history of the Holocaust, one the the greatest collective crime commited by mankind. I've also read the Coran, the Bible, Das Kapital, etc., in search of the beginning of modern ideologies.

At the last reading, a few years ago, I noticed  something that might be of interest to the evolution of the Jewish faith and people. It is a small thing in itself, but it could shed a light on the explanation of the  Holocaust. I have talked about it with my father and then forget about it since a few weeks ago.

This morning, I've called the Israeli embassy at Ottawa (it so happens that I live just across the Outaouais river, in Québec, and work just across the street at O'Connor street).) I wanted to meet a communication officer and was told to send a message to this email address. So I proceed. Please respond.

Thank you,

Charles Millar

(Deuxième courriel, envoyé le 20 décembre 2020, toujours sans réponse.)

To whom it may concern,

I've sent you a message a few weeks ago, about something I found while reading Mein Kampf, relative to the possible reason for Adolf Hitler's hatred of the Jewish people. I've received no response, and I'm starting to wonder why. I suppose that, like many organizations and institutions, you receive a lot of messages, many of them frivolous, strange, curious, or darnright weird. Please do not think that it is the case here. I know that I'm presently a security guard, so usually not the reading type, and I suppose that the fact that I work near the site of the canadian embassy is a curious coincidence, possibly a suspicious one for one so inclined. The point is that I was approached by a security guard from the embassy, who told me to keep an eye open for anything unusual. I told him that I was surprised, since in my youth the embassy was on Sussex street, not on O'Connor, at the corner with Queen. I've been there before, when I was a teenager, to ask for documentation about Israel. I was not able to go past a cubicle at the entry, but I did receive a booklet. That meeting, with the embassy guard, was what gave me the idea to send the first message. I may also add that I talked about what I found to my parents, before the death of my father, three years ago. He was born in 1928, so he was a contemporary of the events in question. He was too young to be sent to war, but I am sure that he followed what was happening with a lot of attention, being an average young man at that time. He seems interested in what I told him, since it may provide a glimpse on what still remains a mystery for everybody else.

Anyway, I must underline and repeat that what I wrote the first time is true, I am a history buff and I have a degree in history, etc.

If it is possible to have a response to this email, any sort of response, it will be quite appreciated.

Thank you.

Charles Millar

(Troisième courriel, envoyé le 2 février 2021.)


I sent two messages to the Israeli Embassy in Ottawa, in the past months, and this is the third one. I am getting a bit fed up. I just called the embassy and was met by a very indifferent voicemail box, where all the options led to close doors. I had the option of leaving a message at one point (the media service), and I did. But then, I will have to look at other ways.

So, this is my last attempt. Please gave me some sign of life...

Thanks anyway.


(Premier courriel reçu en retour du précédent, envoyé par le service des relations publiques de l'ambassade, le même jour, soit le 2 février 2021. Le texte de ce courriel fait référence au tout premier envoi, dans lequel manquait effectivement la dernière partie de l'adresse courriel d'envoi, soit le suffixe 'il' (pour Israël). Le premier envoi a donc été ré-envoyé avec l'adresse complète, tout comme les envois subséquents. D'ailleurs, la réponse reçue prouve que les courriels envoyés avaient l'adresse complète, sinon ils n'auraient tout simplement pu se rendre à destination et l'ambassade n'aurait jamais rien su de mes tentatives...)

Hi Charles,

It seems as though you’ve been sending emails to the incorrect email address as I see below. You’ve forgotten the ending of our address “.il”.

What is it that we can help you with?

Thank you.

(Quatrième courriel, envoyé un peu plus tard, toujours le 2 février 2021)

I suppose you can read the preceding emails that I've sent. Is it possible to speak to a live, breathing person, at the embassy, sometimes during this week ou the next week. I work from 11 AM to 7 PM, Monday to Friday. Thanks.


(Deuxième courriel de réponse, envoyé par le service des relations publiques de l'ambassade, le 2 février 2021)

I can’t read your preceding emails, there is no content below.  

Please give me a sense as to what you need help with and I can help you get in touch with the appropriate person.


Cinquième courriel, envoyé le 2 février 2021)

In short, I found a 12-pages sequence in Mein Kampf that may possibly explain Hitler's deep-seated hatred for all Jews. It's a mystery for historians to this day, decades later.

(Sixième courriel, envoyé le 2 février 2021, le courriel était accompagné, en pièces jointes, d'un curriculum vitae, d'une liste de références et d'une liste de mes publications.)

I understand that Israelis are sometimes a bit suspicious (for good reasons). Here are a few files to show that I'm not just a bullshitter.

(Septième courriel, envoyé le 2 février 2021, en l'absence de toutes réactions.)

Below are the preceding emails, just in case you want to know more about the whole thing.



I used to study history at the University of Ottawa and I am a history buff in general.. I,ve read Mein Kampf a few times to try to understand the mind of Adolf Hitler, the genesis of his hatred about Jews (something historians have always pondered about, mainly in vain) and the history of the Holocaust, one the the greatest collective crime commited by mankind. I've also read the Coran, the Bible, Das Kapital, etc.,, in search of the beginning of modern ideologies.

At the last reading, a few years ago, I noticed  something that might be of interest to the evolution of the Jewish faith and people. It is a small thing in itself, but it could shed a light on the explanation of the  Holocaust. I have talked about it with my father and then forget about it since a few weeks ago.

This morning, I've called the Israeli embassy at Ottawa (it so happens that I live just across the Outaouais river, in Québec, and work just across the street at O'Connor street).) I wanted to meet a communication officer and was told to send a message to this email address. So I proceed. Please respond.

Thank you,


To whom it may concern,

I've sent you a message a few weeks ago, about something I found while reading Mein Kampf, relative to the possible reason for Adolf Hitler's hatred of the Jewish people. I've received no response, and I'm starting to wonder why. I suppose that, like many organizations and institutions, you receive a lot of messages, many of them frivolous, strange, curious, or darnright weird. Please do not think that it is the case here. I know that I'm presently a security guard, so usually not the reading type, and I suppose that the fact that I work near the site of the canadian embassy is a curious coincidence, possibly a suspicious one for one so inclined. The point is that I was approached by a security guard from the embassy, who told me to keep an eye open for anything unusual. I told him that I was surprised, since in my youth the embassy was on Sussex street, not on O'Connor, at the corner with Queen. I've been there before, when I was a teenager, to ask for documentation about Israel. I was not able to go past a cubicle at the entry, but I did receive a booklet. That meeting, with the embassy guard, was what gave me the idea to send the first message. I may also add that I talked about what I found to my parents, before the death of my father, three years ago. He was born in 1928, so he was a contemporary of the events in question. He was too young to be sent to war, but I am sure that he followed what was happening with a lot of attention, being an average young man at that time. He seems interested in what I told him, since it may provide a glimpse on what still remains a mystery for everybody else.

Anyway, I must underline and repeat that what I wrote the first time is true, I am a history buff and I have a degree in history, etc.

If it is possible to have a response to this email, any sort of response, it will be quite appreciated.

Thank you.

(Huitième courriel, envoyé le 23 février 2021, devant la persistance de l'absence de retour.)
I've been sending emails to the embassy in the past few months and It's very difficult and frustrating to see the slow
progress that is being made. Why is it so difficult to see someone in the Embassy to explain what I've found in
Mein Kampf that can explain Hitler's hatred for the Jews? Please respond. I wish to meet somebody, eye to eye.
Is that possible??



(Rendu à ce stade, je me suis découragé et j'ai renoncé à passer par l'ambassade. C'est alors, fin février, que j'ai
décidé de contacter la Société historique du Canada, en vue d'une publication.)


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