Nothing can be more noble than to give a voice to the voiceless.
Nothing can be more gracious than to seek equity and justice in everything.
Nothing can be more enlightened than to see (and hear) the ghosts of the past....
The generations of the recent past have created Auschwitz and Dachau,
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the fire-fuelled infernos of Dresden and Hamburg,
diabolic weapons, like the V1, the V2 and a lot of terrible inventions of that
kind. They have brought to the fore of mankind World Wide Wars, both hot and
cold, the arms race between different economical ideologies, too many genocides
on too many continents, the Holocaust of the Jews and the spoliation of the
Palestinians. They dumbly invented the sexual revolution, dumbly promoted the
primacy of individual rights over collective responsibilities, dumbly put in
place industries and technologies that first polluted the air, the water and
the soil of the world, and that then screwed completely its weather, to the
point that the present generation has to plan and execute an operation of
complete terraformation on a planetary scale, for the first time in the history
of humankind. The generations of the recent past had a lot of ideas
that they thought were good ones but that, sometimes, eventually turned out to
have beeen not so good, and not so great, and not so bright.
And so it is maybe fitting that my generation must do the right thing
before it pass away for good, or at least try t do the right thing.
Thus it is with hope and febrility that in this article, written by one
representative of the generation that tried to unconquer the people of
Québec and replace a royal province by a république québécoise, is
put forward a proposition of political transformation for the british kingdom
that presently occupy the northern part of this continent.
The idea is to create a Republic of Canada, with the attendant creation
of a République autonome du Québec, the creation of autonomous
districts for the linguistic minorities that lives inside and outside the
present province of Québec, and also the transformation of native communities
in order that they received more powers and, wherever possible, larger territories.
The idea, essentially, is to correct the many injustices and mistakes of the
past, to redistribute political powers among all the many parts and pieces that
constitute this peculiar country.
is not a collection of individuals. It is not (and should
never be seen as, or see itself as) a ''postnational state'', made up of a
series of unrelated and anonymous individuals, who act and think as if they
were born in test-tubes or laboratories, without any social or national
pre-existing ties. It is better to see Canada as an idea, an aspiration that
has to be shared by all those who happens to lives here. It is better to see it
as the sum and the result of all the waves of settlers who have came here
through the ages, and still continue to come here, and so, its administrative
structure and distribution of powers must simply reflect that reality.
The first waves to came to Canada were made up by the ancestors of the
Algonquins, the Micmacs, the Ojibways, the Inuit, the Malécites, etc., that is
to say all the first nations/tribes/peoples that constitute the patchwork that
call itself Canada and that try to hide its royal, outdated nature. Then came
the ancestors of the Franco-Canadiens. Then came the ancestors of the
Anglo-Canadians. Then came all the many other waves of immigrants that, in the
last decades and years, have chosen to come to these shores in order to live
here, for this or this reason, and have chosen to raise families in this
strange, cold and snowy land of minus 40-degree winters.
Such an endeavor will certainly rejoice all those who wish to share
power with the powerless, to give a voice to the voiceless, to muster a sense
of justice and belonging to the conquered, the dispossessed, the forgotten, to
unfrustrate all those who were stolen, slighted and reviled by the powerful,
the mighty, the small-minded, the short-sighted and the careless...
Écoutez les
murmures des fantômes du passé...
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