Flying canoes of the Upper-Gatineau area, in Canada, are probably distant relatives to the more famous flying carpets of Arabia, known to anyone familiar with Middle Eastern lore. A rare picture of trees caught dancing in the early morning, when they thought they were alone, all by themselves, with no witness, among the snow, the ice, and the cold of a typical Canadian winter. Hydrographic map of the Ottawa River ( la grande rivière des Outaouais) , an early water-road connecting the Montréal archipelago with the Great Lakes region (long before there were land-roads and freeways in Canada or the United States), including the main sub-river, that is the Gatineau River (the one going straight south in the direction of the present city of the same name, where it meet with the Ottawa River, right in front of the city Ottawa). It is important to remember that travel upriver from Montréal through the Upper Saint-Laurent was dangerous (and often simply impossible) because of the ex...