WW1, WW2, WW3

An Anglospheric view about a post-WW3 world... The first world-wide war was the Seven-Years War, in the XVIIIth Century, according to Winston Churchill, as related in his Memoirs. He was quite right. That war, the real World War 1, opposed the then-powerful kingdom of France to an emerging British Empire, and took place in North America, in Asia (mainly on the Indian subcontinent), and Europe, and also wherever both kingdoms had possessions, here and there on the oceans of Terra. As for the Second World War, World War 2, it happened in the fist half of the 20th Century, in two parts, separated by the space of a generation, with much of the same people, unknown or known, in them, but at different stages in their life. That war mainly fought between an emergent Germany and a reigning British Empire, with many other actors (America, Soviet Union, France, Italy, Japan, Brazil, etc.). An interesting point is that both Germany and Italy were newly united countries, having been ...