(Here is a series of texts published on X-Twitter in the last weeks.) * * * (29 juin 2024) L'aide occidentale ne fera que prolonger ce conflit, sans l'empêcher de se terminer éventuellement par une victoire russe. Ce que Washington et Bruxelles souhaitent, c'est tout simplement de rendre le conflit aussi sanglant que possible, de faire saigner l'Ukraine et la Russie au maximum. * * * (June 29, 2024) Just like Ukrainians before the Russian invasion, most Georgians wanted to join the European Union in the hope of becoming as affluent as Germans, Italians or Belgians. It is normal and understandable. The EU made much of that sentiment. But then, the path to prosperity is not th exclusive property of the West. It can also be followed in different ways, by becoming part of the BRICS economic association, for instance. If the BRICS is a good t...