Peace is a growing possibility in the Middle East, if (it is a big 'if') Israel is ready to make concessions to Palestinians, presently treated as cheap labor by the Israeli private sector and as second-rate citizens by the State of Israel. Fear is at the heart of the problem: Israeli fear of the Palestinians, Palestinian fear of the Israelis. The population of Israel is still obsessed by the past series of traumatic wars that took place with its Arabs neighbors many decades ago, from the War of Independence to the Yom Kippur War. The last major confrontation, though, was two generations ago. Many things have changed since then. Israel presently enjoys secure borders to the south (with Egypt) and to the east (with Jordan), following the conclusion of peace treaties with these two countries. Moreover, the only part of its borders that are not covered by peace treaties are to the north, facing Lebanon and Syria. And those borders are not only short in length, they’re also share...