Bénin in relation with Haïti (with Jamaica just south of Cuba.) The real city of Ouidah never was (and still isn't) a seaport, as shown erroneously in the movie ''The Woman King''. West African nations are at the sources of many populations living presently in the Caribbean region, through the unfortunate slaves who were brought there in colonial times. It is the case in the island of Jamaica, according to an interesting article (below), especially with Ashanti and Yoruba peoples, among others. It is also the case in the ancient French colony of Saint-Domingue, now the independent country of Haïti, the first black republic of the world. There, though, it was mainly Fon and Yoruba peoples, with smaller contingents. The fongbe-speaking Fons are the powerful nation that created the Dahomey kingdom and whose language is still prevalent over much of southern Bénin. The many Yoruba-like tribes and subtribes, for their part, inhabits South-West Nigeria (and also larg...