

Les trois pays de l'Alliance des États sahéliens sont profondément marqués par la civilisation musulmane, venue du nord, par-delà le Sahara, et de la vallée du Nil, au-delà du Tchad. Ils sont protégés par la Russie et servent de creuset à la Chine pour le développement des collectivités locales à l'aide des ressources disponibles, comme en fait foi la surprenante annonce de cette usine fabriquant des voitures électriques au Burkina Faso. Si elles sont aussi avancées, écologiques et abordables qu'elles le sont en Chine, elles devraient f aire fureur sur toute l'étendue de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, transformant considérablement la donne au niveau du transport et de l'énergie, ainsi que du processus d'industrialisation en cours dans toute ce secteur. Plus au sud, se trouve la rangée des pays longeant la côte de Guinée. Ceux-ci, contrairement aux précédents, ont été davantage exposés à la présence européenne, quoique plus récemment dans leur cas, la présence mu...


  (Série d'affichages sur X, dans la foulée de l'investiture de Donald Trump) 22 janvier 2025 It is not a coincidence, obviously. Jerusalem feels that the October 2023 massacre gave it a green light to impose its own solution to the Palestinian 'problem', no matter what the rest of the world may think about the whole thing. The truth of the matter is that Israel doesn't know what to do about the Palestinians still living in occupied Palestine. Those who live inside Israel have political rights and can vote. Those who live outside Palestine, in Lebanon, Jordan, or elsewhere, are not its concern and do not pose a direct danger to its population. On the other hand, though, those living in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem are a demographic time bomb to its eyes. It explains, but does not excuse, the ferocity of the current Israeli actions against the inhabitants of Palestine. Israel is facing a problem without a solution: to simply kill all the many ...


*** Voici l'une des principales différences entre les hommes et les femmes. Les musiciens sont des hommes qui créent des symphonies. Les magiciennes sont des femmes qui créent des musiciens. *** PLUS:  @charles.millar3 (X-Twitter)


  (Messages posted on X these last weeks * * * 12 janvier 2025 America is not your friend, it is true, especially if you live in Canada, in Panama or in Greenland. If you live in the European Union, you will be surprised to read that Trumpian America is ready to take a bigger chunk of Europe than Russia with the Ukrainian War. Greenland has less population than Ukraine, granted, but it has a lot more territory. What will Denmark do? If the Marines land on a beach near Nuuk next month, will the Danes continue to send money and weapons to Kiev? When will the Europeans start to understand that the Americans are not there to help them, that they don't care that much about them? The Americans only need the European Union to keep the Russians away, while they concentrate against the only country that is powerful enough to push them out of the first place of the podium one day, China.


  (Messages posted on X these last weeks / Messages publiés sur X au cours des dernières semaines) * * * January 2, 2024 This is a fascinating article about one of the many avenues of commerce between Europe and Asia, especially the Far East. Geographical constraints mean that overland trade between these two important economic poles may use: A) the northern corridor, north of the Caspian Sea, through Russian and Byelorussian territory, B) the middle corridor, through the Caspian Sea, avoiding thus completely the need to cross Russian and Byelorussian territory, or C) the southern corridor, south of the Caspian Sea, through Iranian territory. The last one (C) is less direct, thus less economic and less useful, in the case of trade between China and Europe, implying a long detour for goods to transit though the countries of Central Asia. In the case of trade between the countries of the Indian subcontinent (and those of continental Southeast Asia, farther away) and the countries of ...


  (Messages publiés sur X au cours des dernières semaines) * * * December 19, 2024 Here's a revealing article about the way China envisions the development of its economic links with the European Union. The most direct itinerary for the shipment of goods between, say, Shanghai and Berlin follow this axis: China / Kazakhstan / Russia / Ukraine (or Byelorussia) / Poland / Germany. The current Ukrainian War is an obstacle to the smooth functioning of such a vital trade artery, just as much as the animosity it created between the EU and the Russian Federation, and increasingly with China. There's the Middle Corridor through the Caspian Sea, but such an option also has its drawbacks, especially the necessity of unloading and loading cargo at both shores of that vast inland sea. Shipments must then follow a circuitous route through the South Caucasus, Turkiye, and the Balkans before reaching their European destination. It all means that the maritime solution may be the most convenien...