Map of the Belgian communities . The Belgian political system is based on the concept of national communities, as defined by the languages spoken by its inhabitants. It is important to understand the link between language and nations/tribes/peoples. In Belgium, those languages are: French (to be more precise the Walloon dialect of French that is spoken in the south -Wallonia-, shown in pink), Dutch (to be more precise, the Flemish dialect of Dutch that is spoken in the north, i.e. the part that is usually -if somewhat improperly- called Flanders, shown in orange) and German (two small areas that are adjacent to Germany, shown in green). The shaded area is simply Brussels, the seat of government. (Wikipedia, English edition, May 2022) Map of the Belgian regions. The Belgian political system is also based on the concept of regions. There are three regions, usually named Wallonia (pink), Flanders (orange) and B...