Debt is the kind of delicate problem that nobody wants to talk about, but that's keep hiding in the background... You can't borrow and borrow and borrow as if there's no tomorrow. But then, everybody seems to act in that manner: individuals, families, companies, governments. These days, prosperity seems to be everywhere, but the truth is things appears mostly like that simply because debts are invisible. They're kept in dark places, out of view. Even the most powerful country in the world, though, has to pay its debts and assume its responsibilities. The case of the United States is a good example of that. Debt servicing, in that country, may soon exceed the level of the US defense budget, the world's largest by a long shot. In the time of low interest rates, debts were seen as not important. The present rising rates, however, shows that this is not the case. What will happen when the borrowing costs exceeds the US ability to pay? Today's politicians (and I me...