2016 presidential election (red are Republican counties, blue are Democratic counties). (The following article is based on a series of twits published today, in reaction to a text on CNN: ''Red states are building a nation within a nation'', ,https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/26/politics/red-states-blue-states-control-of-national-policy-fault-lines/index.html) CNN has just published a very interesting and very pertinent sociological analysis of the American restructuring happening now, between blue and red states. What is developing in front of our eyes is not the beginning of a new Civil War, as many seems to fear, but the deepening of a long, slow, social unraveling, along the main lines of fractures that exist inside any society: urban/rural, men/women, young/old, rich/poor, less educated/more educated, etc. Too much emphasis on individualism, over too long a period of time, a weakening economic situation, the breaking up of family units into smaller and smaller pieces...